CEM Civil
2 weeks ago
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Larsen & Toubro Limited
Full time
Job DescriptionJob Role :Chief Engineer ManagerSubstation(Civil& Structural), PTD
Reportsto(JobRole) :Head of Engineering - Substation (Civil & Structural), PTD
Reportee(JobRole) :ProjectEngineeringManagers
MinimumQualification :B.E./B.TechinCivil&StructuralEngineering.(Itis
preferabletohavePost-graduationinStructural/Geo-technological Engineering.)
Experience :20+years.(MusthaveextensiveexperienceinCivil&Structural
Analysis & designof Substations of AIS & GIS)
Objective/ Purpose
As Chief Engineering Manager Substation (Civil & Structural) - CEM (C&S), the person shall be in-charge of complete design & detailed engineering of Civil & Structural Engineering of Substation / Power Distribution projects for the PT&D IC. The nature of Substations shall be from 765kV to 33kV of AIS or GIS configurations.
The CEM (C&S) shall manage the entire design and detailing aspects for multiple projects in SAARC Region (India and other nations) multiple geographical domains including coordination with multiple disciplines Electrical, MEP & Instrumentation. CEM (C&S) shall lead a team of Project Engineering Managers, Lead Engineers, Design Engineers and Draughts persons for managing Engineering activities and delivering projects within budget, deliver on time and maintaining a high quality of engineering. CEM (C&S) shall co-ordinate with the CEMs and HOEs of different domains.The CEM (C&S) shall also facilitate application of updated knowledge of the requisite technological trends & improvement in skill sets of the team members. CEM(C&S) shall drive standardisation and modularisation for use across different teams.The CEM (C&S) in consultation with HOE (C&S) shall be articulate and implement the Objectives and Vision of the IC in the C&S team.
Ensure On- time Delivery of the project (w.r.t. Civil & Structural requirements)
Supervise and ensure feasibility of execution ensure profitability of the project
[...] to site execution team
Ensuresubmissionofdeliverablesforprojectandalignthesequencevidethesequence of construction activities by the site execution team
ExtendsupporttotheContractsdepartment(forpre-bidqueries),&theSiteExecution team (support for queries related to feasibility & other aspects of design)
Ensurecompletionofbasedesign&detailedengineeringandadherenceofscheduleof the project by ensuring submission of drawings & documents
[...] practices on design & drawings, without compromising on quality and safety
- Undertakeriskanalysisfortakingcleardecisionsafteranalysingfortheriskand facilitation for issuing of manufacturing clearance
- Reviewofcriticalissuesasrequired(faced) bytheProjectSiteExecutionteam
The CEM (C&S) is required to be proficient in Analysis and Design of structural components of Substation, viz. steel structures, RCC structures and their Geotechnical aspects. Furthermore, the CEM (C&S) must be well- informed & well-versed with site conditions (topographic & environmental), constructability methods, cost components for considerations in design calculations and extending support to Project Engineering Managers.
The CEM (C&S) shall be well versed in C&S Software like STAADPro, ETABS, SAFE, etc.
In addition, the CEM (C&S) is also required to be fairly adept with the site input parameters for interaction with the Project Engineering Managers.
Internally: EDRC Head, Respective Heads of Engineering, Operational Heads, Project Engineering Managers, Construction Managers.
Productivity (Man hours allotted for activities)
On-Time Delivery of projects
Strike Rate of tenders
Customer Satisfaction
Skilldevelopmentof Subordinates
Day to day Purposes: Analysis & design S/W: STAAD, ETABS. Drawing: AUTOCAD & REVIT
Detailing: TEKLA (Learning phase)
Knowledge in MS Office
1. MarketForesight
2. LeveragingOpportunities
3. Customer at Core
4. SustainablePartnership
5. AnticipatingNeeds
6. CustomerCentricity
7. Disruptive Innovation
8. ChallengeTraditionalApproaches
9. GenerateInnovativeSolutions
10. TakeCalculatedRisks
11. Collaborate and Influence - InternalStakeholders & External Stakeholders
Cem Civil
2 weeks ago
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Larsen & Toubro Full timeCEM Civil & Structural Substations LNT/CC-SS/1306427 Power Transmission & Distribution - ICChennai Head Qrs. - Posted On - 07 Mar 2025 - End Date - 03 Sep 2025 - Required Experience - 20 - 25 Years **Skills**: Knowledge & Posting Location DESIGN CONCEPTS STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS FOUNDATION DESIGN INFRASTRUCTURE BUILDING CIVIL DESIGN STRUCTURAL...