Physics Ibdp

6 months ago

Remote, India Filo edTech Full time

**Company Description**

At Filo, we believe in making quality learning accessible for every student around the world. As the world’s only live instant tutoring app, we connect students with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for interactive 1-1 video sessions. Our tutors are available 24/7 to assist students whenever they need it. Currently, we have over 50,000 tutors and more than 1.5 million students across 15+ countries are using Filo to make their everyday learning better. We are an emerging youth-oriented e-learning startup that thrives on problem-solving capability and a positive attitude.

**Role Description**

This is a part-time remote role for a Physics IBDP & A level online tutor. As an online tutor, you will be responsible for providing personalised and interactive one-on-one tutoring sessions to students studying Physics at an IBDP & A level. You will be working with students from all over the world, guiding and empowering them to succeed in their academic pursuits. You will be using the Filo platform to deliver the tutoring sessions.

- Qualification in Physics or a related field
- Prior experience in tutoring Physics at an IBDP & A level
- Excellent communication skills in English
- Strong interpersonal skills and an ability to relate to students from diverse backgrounds
- Passionate about teaching and able to explain complex concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner
- Reliable, self-motivated and able to work independently with little to no supervision

**Job Type**: Part-time

**Salary**: ₹800.00 - ₹1,200.00 per hour

Expected hours: 17 per week

Work Location: Remote

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